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Tower of the Moon (quest) is Act II side quest assigned by Muzaffar in Ossean Wastes. It appears immediately following the quest A High-Value Target. Kill the miniboss inside Tower of the Moon and return to Muzaffar.

Offer Text[]

My friend, I have a mission for you. You may have notice the Ezrohir activity in the Ossean Wastes. We believe these are scouts operating out of the Forsaken Vaults, but they are appearing so close to the city gates that we think they may have a base much nearer, from which they are spying on us.

We have narrowed down the possibilities, and I want you to look into the Tower of the Moon in the Ossean Wastes. Determine if there are any Ezrohir scouts there ... and if you find any, deal with them.


Gold: 0     XP: 3200     Fame: 0     Item: Yes

Followup Text[]

Have you been able to ascertain if the Ezrohir are using the Tower of the Moon to spy upon us?

Quest Display[]

Scout the Tower of the Moon in the Ossean Wastes. Eliminate any Ezrohir spies you find there and report back to Commander Muzaffar in the Ossean Wastes.

Completed Text[]

I do not know how they came to install their sorcerer, Juthama Kasam, so close by the city walls without us noticing! But I thank the Guardians that you were able to defeat him, and put a stop to whatever they were planning!
