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The Tower of the Moon is a small, preset dungeon in Act II of the Torchlight II, found in the Ossean Wastes and only visible once you have been assigned the Tower of the Moon quest from Muzaffar, the Zeraphi military commander.

The champion boss, Jutham Kasam, drops the Prison Key which unlocks the door leading to Duros the Blade, who rewards you (quest: Risk and Reward) and then appears in Zeryphesh as a gambler.

Hit every gong in the room to make the gate behind Duros open. Beyond the gate, there is the Robotic Arm for the quest Robot Parts.

Defeating the boss, Jutham Kasam, also has a chance to drop The Eye of Jutham Kasam.


Species Name El. Abilities
Undead Shattered One Poison Resists Interrupts
Shattered Headless Poison Immobilizing Breath
Desiccated Warrior Poison Undead, Shield Blocks Damage, Poison
Skeleton Bone Golem Poison Bone Cloud Summon
Zombie Dune Fiend Physical Creates Dune Fiends From Corpses
Ghost Sand Spectre Poison Casts Insect Plages


  • Juthama Kasam Physical Casts Shadow Fan, Summons Creatures From Pit, Sandstorm
Torchlight II Locations

Act I: Estherian Steppes
Town: Estherian Enclave

Temple SteppesFrosted Hills
Passes: Echo PassPath of the Honored DeadCrows' Pass
Dungeons: Corrupted CryptBone GalleryPlunder CoveWellspring TempleWidow's VeilIcedeep CavernsWhispering CaveEmberscratch MinesSlavers' StockadeWatchweald Temple
NG+: Lost Okwari CavesIce LabsNorsk Leiren
Phase Beast Challenges: Poison the spider nests.Ignite Braziers in OrderProtect the Crystals From the Goblin Hordes!

Act II: Mana Wastes
Town: Zeryphesh

Ossean WastesSalt Barrens
Passes: Empty QuarterSwarm Point
Dungeons: Tarroch's RiftTower of the MoonShadowy CrevasseStygian AerieForsaken VaultsUndercurrentsBrood HiveKorari CaveLuminous ArenaHaunted QuarterWitherwaysAncient Vaults of ChaosVault of SoulsNetherrealm Portal
NG+: Tarroch's Tomb
Phase Beast Challenges: Choose a DoorJackalbeast GauntletNetherrealm GauntletPirate GauntletSurvive in the Arena

Act III: Grunnheim
Town: Imperial Camp

BlightbogsSundered Battlefield
Passes: Rotted PathRivenskull Gorge
Dungeons: Fungal CavesAbandoned SawmillRotting CryptMiddenmineArena of SlaughterEmberworksVyrax's TowerForgotten HallsLair of the Sisters
NG+: Reeking CellarNotch's MineThe Lost Hold
Phase Beast Challenges: Defeat the WitchesAvoid the LavaVarkolyn Gauntlet

Act IV
Town: Minehead

Dungeon: Broken Mines
