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The Zeraphi Envoy is an Act I side quest assigned by Lord Taldimut the Zeraphi Ambassador in the Frosted Hills. Retrieve the three crests from unguarded, gated chests around the Frosted Hills, then return to Lord Taldimut. Completing this quest automatically starts the subsequent quest.

Next Quest: The Lost Key

Offer Text[]

My friend, thank you for coming to our aid. We are a Zeraphi envoy from Zeryphesh, in the Ossean Wastes, sent to procure the Estherians' aid in our upcoming war with the Ezrohir. Grand Regent Eldrayn gave us leave to search the Frosted Hills for the Golden Gear, and we had narrowed our search to this area before we were assaulted by these goblins.

Now we are too injured to continue our search. Can you aid us? Search the Frosted Hills for three components: the Crest of Pools, the Crest of Rivers, and the Crest of Tides. Bring them to me, and I will reward you, on behalf of the Zeraphi people.


NG Level Gold XP Fame Item
Normal 41 960 1440 Leveled Loot
NG +1 128 2840 4260
NG +2 ? ? ?
NG +3 ? ? ?

Followup Text[]

The Sultan of Zeryphesh sent us here to beg the Estherians' leave to recover the Golden Gear .. an ancient artifact, required to unlock the Celestial Armory, in the Ossean Wastes. The Estherians captured it from us in our war with them, long ago, but Grand Regent Eldrayn was willing to return it to us, so that we might arm ourselves against the Ezrohir assault.

The exact location of the Golden Gear is long forgotten, but the Estherians created a map from the three crests I spoke of. If you can find those, I can interpret the map and find the Gear!

Quest Display[]

Accepting the Quest[]

Search the cliffside in the Frosted Hills for the Crest of Pools, the Crest of Rivers, and the Crest of Tides.

After Obtaining the Three Crests[]

Return to Ambassador Taldimut in the Frosted Hills.

Completion Text[]

Yes, those are the three crests. Now, allow me a moment to fit them together ... I see ... yes ... yes! The Estherians hid the Golden Gear in a small cave, no so far from here!
