Torchlight Wiki
King of mask

The King in Masks is the boss in Vault of Souls during Act II of Torchlight II. He must be defeated for the side quest Secret of the Ezrohir.

His appearance resembles a mummy with 6 arms, with three masks floating around him.


  • Teleportation
  • Statis Beams: trap the player in place
  • He will also wear one of the masks at random, and each mask has its own set of abilities:
    • Red Mask (The Mask of Kings): Fire: Launches several fireballs, which create a burning area on the floor
    • Blue Mask (The Mask of Queens): Electricity: Unleashes a powerful beam of electric energy
    • Green Mask (The Mask of the Wazir): Poison: Allows the King to summon an army of Skeletons



Be wary of the stasis beams, the Green mask are a potentially lethal combination; a paralyzed player may not be able to combat a swarm of skeletons surrounding them.
