The Eye of Gallo is a unique gem in Torchlight II that can be obtained from a secret room in the Luminous Arena.
- Enter the Luminous Arena.
- Follow the light to the end of the arena, where it first stops, killing all 4 champions along the way.
- At the end, do not use the portal. Wait 25 seconds and you should see a lever appear near the portal.
- Click the lever and follow the light again to a statue and 2 additional treasure chests.
- Click the statue between the chests and loot The Eye of Gallo.
- It appears this can only be obtained once per character, through both difficulty changes and world rerolls.
- However, you can gain an additional Eye by the same method each time you play a New Game Plus with the character. The new Eye will be higher level and grant a greater amount of life steal.