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Path of the Honored Dead is a pass location in Torchlight II, Act I that connects the Estherian Enclave to the Temple Steppes. The pass contains Corrupted Crypt, and becomes accessible after the player completes the initial quest by speaking to the Grand Regent.



Species Name El. Abilities
Skeleton Skeleton Physical Undead, Fast
Skeletal Shambler Physical Undead, Hard to Kill
Skeletal Torso Physical Undead, Fast
Skeletal Warrior Physical Undead, Shield Blocks Damage
Skeletal Archer Physical Undead
Skeletal Mage* Lightning Undead, Casts Lightning Spells
Skeletal Slayer** Physical Undead, Shield Blocks Damage
Ossataur** Physical Undead, Extra Tough
Sturmbeorn Felwalker Poison Undead
Felwalker Axethrower Poison Undead, Hurls Axes
Zombie Vile Gnasher* Physical Creates Vile Gnashers From Corpses
Zombie** Poison Undead
Ghost Bleak Spirit* Poison Slows Foes, Lifesteal
Unknown Bittersprite Physical Drops Golden Key
Mimic* Fire Lies In Wait, Resists Elemental Attacks
Cursed Sword* Lightning  

 * does not always appear
 ** appears only very rarely, with specific map features


  • Champion Undead Physical Casts Lightning Spells
  • Champion Undead Physical Extra Though
Torchlight II Locations

Act I: Estherian Steppes
Town: Estherian Enclave

Temple SteppesFrosted Hills
Passes: Echo PassPath of the Honored DeadCrows' Pass
Dungeons: Corrupted CryptBone GalleryPlunder CoveWellspring TempleWidow's VeilIcedeep CavernsWhispering CaveEmberscratch MinesSlavers' StockadeWatchweald Temple
NG+: Lost Okwari CavesIce LabsNorsk Leiren
Phase Beast Challenges: Poison the spider nests.Ignite Braziers in OrderProtect the Crystals From the Goblin Hordes!

Act II: Mana Wastes
Town: Zeryphesh

Ossean WastesSalt Barrens
Passes: Empty QuarterSwarm Point
Dungeons: Tarroch's RiftTower of the MoonShadowy CrevasseStygian AerieForsaken VaultsUndercurrentsBrood HiveKorari CaveLuminous ArenaHaunted QuarterWitherwaysAncient Vaults of ChaosVault of SoulsNetherrealm Portal
NG+: Tarroch's Tomb
Phase Beast Challenges: Choose a DoorJackalbeast GauntletNetherrealm GauntletPirate GauntletSurvive in the Arena

Act III: Grunnheim
Town: Imperial Camp

BlightbogsSundered Battlefield
Passes: Rotted PathRivenskull Gorge
Dungeons: Fungal CavesAbandoned SawmillRotting CryptMiddenmineArena of SlaughterEmberworksVyrax's TowerForgotten HallsLair of the Sisters
NG+: Reeking CellarNotch's MineThe Lost Hold
Phase Beast Challenges: Defeat the WitchesAvoid the LavaVarkolyn Gauntlet

Act IV
Town: Minehead

Dungeon: Broken Mines
