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Torchlight Wiki
Orden Mines

Orden Mines cover the first four floors of the main dungeon, just below Torchlight. The mines are an introduction to the storyline of Torchlight, where the player is introduced to Syl and Alric, the two main characters of the storyline. At the conclusion of the mine floors, players battle against a creation of Alric's and a friend of Syl's.



The actual Boss you will be fighting is your faithful companion Brink, transformed into a monster by the corruption of the mage Alric. So you can only count on your pet to aid you in this battle.

Recurring Stat Increases[]

Floor XP Gain Fame Gain
Orden Mines Floor 1 3,500 0
Orden Mines Floor 2 9,500 550
Orden Mines Floor 3 29,500 650
Dank Chamber 0 0
Torchlight I dungeons

Orden MinesNecropolisEstherian RuinsTu'Tara CavernsMolten PrisonLost FortressBlack PalaceThe LairShadow Vault
