Torchlight Wiki

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

23 August 2014

16 March 2014

30 December 2013

18 August 2013

30 May 2013

18 March 2013

16 March 2013

11 December 2012

10 November 2012

23 October 2012

18 October 2012

12 October 2012

  • curprev 03:4203:42, 12 October 2012‎ contribs‎ 1,512 bytes +1,512‎ Created page with "The Djinni's second task. You start by going through a standard blue portal to this new map. There's a local jump portal, and then you have to follow the luminous circle, and ..."