Lord Taldimut is a male Zeraphi NPC and his people's ambassador to the Estherians.
He and his bodyguards were sent to procure the Estherians' aid in the upcoming war with the Ezrohir. Grand Regent Eldrayn allowed them to search the Frosted Hills for the Golden Gear, which they want to use in the city of Zeryphesh's defense against the Ezrohir siege. They had narrowed the search to a small area when they were assaulted by goblins.
Once the player has come to their aid, Taldimut offers the side quest The Zeraphi Envoy, which consists of searching the Frosted Hills for three magical crests.
When this quest is completed, the Ambassador offers the follow-up quest, The Lost Key, which involves entering the Whispering Cave and retrieving the gear.