Torchlight Wiki
Healingbot color

Healing Bot is an active Engineer skill in Torchlight II. It belongs to the Construction Skill Tree and is available from level 1.


"You deploy a small drone that generates energy pulses, healing both you and your allies."

Tier I Bonus: 
The energy pulse also regenerates Mana.

Tier II Bonus:
The Engineer and allies also get an 8% Armor boost.

Tier III Bonus:
The Engineer and allies also get a 16% Armor boost.


Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Mana Cost 25 26 27 29 33 36 39 44 49 56 63 69 77 86 96
Cooldown 10s
Pulse every 12s 11.5s 11s 10.5s 10s 9.5s 9s 8.5s 8s 7.5s 7s 6.5s 6s 5.5s 5s
Radius 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15
Health recovery over 4 seconds* 1065 1132 1199 1265 1332 1398 1465 1531 1598 1664 1731 1798 1864 1931 1997
Mana recovery over 4 seconds* 0 47 50 52 54 57 59 61 64 66 68 71
% Armor Boost 0 8 16
Required Level 1 2 3 6 10 14 19 25 32 40 49 58 68 79


  • *Health & Mana regenerated improves with Player Level - values shown are for a level 100 Engineer


  • Unlike the Gun Bot & Sledgebot, the Healing Bot has an unlimited duration, only requiring the caster to recast the spell upon entering a different area.


  • The Healing Bot can decrease the need for potions once it reaches sufficient ranks as higher levels can provide large amounts of Health & Mana due to its low cooldown.


  • The bot bears a passing resemblance to Tom Servo.
Torchlight II Skills

Hunter: EviscerateHowlRazeWolfstrikeBattle RageRuptureRavage
Hunter Passives: Blood HungerExecutionerRampage
Tundra: Frost BreathStormclawStorm HatchetNorthern RageIce ShieldPermafrostGlacial Shatter
Tundra Passives: Cold Steel MasteryShatter StormRage Retaliation
Shadow: Shadow BurstWolf ShadeShadowbindSavage RushChain SnareBattle StandardWolfpack
Shadow Passives: Frenzy MasteryShred ArmorRed Wolf


Inferno: Magma SpearMagma MaceFirebombsBlazing PillarInfernal CollapseImmolation AuraFirestorm
Inferno Passives: Charge MasteryElemental AttunementFire Brand
Frost: Icy BlastHailstormFrost PhaseElemental BoonFrost WaveIce PrisonAstral Ally
Frost Passives: Staff MasteryFrozen FateIce Brand
Storm: Prismatic BoltShocking BurstThunder LocusArc BeamDeath's BountyShockboltsShocking Orb
Storm Passives: Prismatic RiftWand ChaosLightning Brand


Blitz: Flame HammerSeismic SlamEmber HammerOnslaughtEmber ReachStorm BurstEmberquake
Blitz Passives: Heavy LiftingSuperchargeCoup-de-Grace
Construction: Healing BotBlast CannonSpider MinesGun BotShock GrenadeFusiladeSledgebot
Construction Passives: BulwarkFire and SparkCharge Domination
Aegis: Shield BashForcefieldOverloadDynamo FieldTremorFire BashImmobilization Copter
Aegis Passives: Sword and BoardAegis of FateCharge Reconstitution


Warfare: Rapid FireRune VaultChaos BurstCursed DaggersVortex HexShattering GlaiveVenomous Hail
Warfare Passives: Long Range MasteryShotgonne MasteryAkimbo
Lore: Glaive ThrowTangling ShotGlaive SweepSandstormBramble WallBurning LeapFlaming Glaive
Lore Passives: Dodge MasteryPoison BurstShare the Wealth
Sigil: Blade PactShadowshotBane BreathRepulsion HexStone PactShadowmantleShadowling Brute
Sigil Passives: Master of the ElementsShadowling AmmoDeath Ritual
