The Fallen Guardian is the dungeon boss in the Corrupted Crypt found during Act I of Torchlight II. He must be defeated to get the item The Scroll of Anom-Irek for the quest "The Scroll of Anom-Irek".
- Elite Undead
- Casts Spectral Blades
- Sweeping melee attack
- Overhead melee attack
- Ground smash attack
- The Skull unique ring
The Fallen Guardian walks towards the player to get within melee range of his giant sword. Ranged characters will have an easy time avoiding him due to his slow walking speed coupled with his equally slow attack speed. The Guardian has four attacks, consisting of an overhead melee, a sweeping melee, a short-range smash attack, and a mid-range fissure attack.
The first melee attack is a easily anticipated overhead swing, which can be dodged by stepping to the side or moving out of melee range. The second melee attack is a quicker sweeping attack that deals less damage than the overhead swing; dodge this by stepping away from the Guardian or moving behind him.
His other two moves have the same wind-up animation, which involves him stopping to stab his sword into the ground. The first move is a ground smash that will cause damage those that are nearby. This can be avoided by moving away from him while he is getting his attack ready.
The second move will create and send three crystal fissures that travel in random directions. Beware of this spectral blade fissure attack as each hit from the crystals will deal a moderate amount of damage. However, a character can get hit by each fissure separately and even take damage multiple times from the same fissure, which can easily kill an unlucky or unsuspecting player. The Guardian's fissure attack can sometimes stop propagating when near stairs, which can be used to the player's advantage, although this can be unreliable.