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Choose a Door is a Phase Beast Challenge encountered in Ossean Wastes. After fighting a number of monsters in a small arena-type area, the player is presented with the choice of using a Door Key (dropped from a Sand Hulk) on one of three doors.

Each door hides one of three different, randomly placed, outcomes – signified by glyph colors that are revealed upon choosing one door:

Door Glyph Reward Outcome
Yellow High Two medium chests, one item, and the biggest amount of gold strewn about.
Orange Low Two small chests, one item, and a bunch of gold on the ground.
Red None Two Ezrohir Marksmen and one Ezrohir Snatcher emerge from the door and attack.


  • To keep trying to open the desired door or to simply go on farming this challenge: never exit through the Portal to Surface, instead always hit the Escape key and choose Quit, then Resume, which lets one attempt the challenge again. If you should die, select Quit to Main Menu, from there resume your game.
  • The placement of the doors stays the same when re-entering the dungeon in these ways.


 * monster level reflects the fact that the image is from an NG+ playthrough

Torchlight II Locations

Act I: Estherian Steppes
Town: Estherian Enclave

Temple SteppesFrosted Hills
Passes: Echo PassPath of the Honored DeadCrows' Pass
Dungeons: Corrupted CryptBone GalleryPlunder CoveWellspring TempleWidow's VeilIcedeep CavernsWhispering CaveEmberscratch MinesSlavers' StockadeWatchweald Temple
NG+: Lost Okwari CavesIce LabsNorsk Leiren
Phase Beast Challenges: Poison the spider nests.Ignite Braziers in OrderProtect the Crystals From the Goblin Hordes!

Act II: Mana Wastes
Town: Zeryphesh

Ossean WastesSalt Barrens
Passes: Empty QuarterSwarm Point
Dungeons: Tarroch's RiftTower of the MoonShadowy CrevasseStygian AerieForsaken VaultsUndercurrentsBrood HiveKorari CaveLuminous ArenaHaunted QuarterWitherwaysAncient Vaults of ChaosVault of SoulsNetherrealm Portal
NG+: Tarroch's Tomb
Phase Beast Challenges: Choose a DoorJackalbeast GauntletNetherrealm GauntletPirate GauntletSurvive in the Arena

Act III: Grunnheim
Town: Imperial Camp

BlightbogsSundered Battlefield
Passes: Rotted PathRivenskull Gorge
Dungeons: Fungal CavesAbandoned SawmillRotting CryptMiddenmineArena of SlaughterEmberworksVyrax's TowerForgotten HallsLair of the Sisters
NG+: Reeking CellarNotch's MineThe Lost Hold
Phase Beast Challenges: Defeat the WitchesAvoid the LavaVarkolyn Gauntlet

Act IV
Town: Minehead

Dungeon: Broken Mines
